Pulse Membership


Pulse Membership

from $5.00 every month

You will automatically be charged whichever amount you select to give monthly, ongoing.

Membership Amount:

Thank you for this recurring gift of your support! You didn't need to do this, but you did, and we appreciate it!

If you also want to purchase automatic access to River’s livestream or in-studio classes, you can pair this membership with one of the other subscription options listed on the community membership page. If you would like to support Asheville Rhythm monthly with a membership but pay-as-you-go for the classes, you can still purchase livestream and archived classes ala carte via our online classes page or pay whenever you attend the studio for class.

For our most ardent enthusiasts, if you would like to customize a larger monthly gift of support and have access to Asheville Rhythm events beyond the listed options, please consider becoming a “Patron of Percussion”,

Please contact our Outreach Director, Rima Luna,

Thank you!